
The video is an old footage of a live theatrical performance organized by students at Al-Azhar University in Egypt

The claim
This is nothing but a mere film and another claim about “the dead” in Gaza, a wonderful resurrection miracle. Now, does anyone still believe that any claim issued by Hamas-ISIS can be trusted?

This is nothing but a mere film and another claim about “the dead” in Gaza, a wonderful resurrection miracle. Now, does anyone still believe that any claim issued by Hamas-ISIS can be trusted?

Social media pages in English on social networking sites have posted a video showing a group of bodies lying on the ground, while one of the bodies moves. The video was titled “This is nothing but a mere film and another claim about “the dead” in Gaza, a wonderful resurrection miracle. Now, does anyone still believe that any claim issued by Hamas-ISIS can be trusted?” This is in reference to the falsehood of the Palestinians in the number of martyrs of the Israeli war in Gaza.

The Palestinian observatory “Tahaqaq” investigated the authenticity of the circulated video and, by searching public sources, it was revealed that the video is old and dates back to a live performance organized by a group of students inside Al-Azhar University in Egypt as an expression of their protest against events related to the Rabaa Square incident. The video was first published on the “Badbil Newspaper” YouTube channel in 2013.

We points out that the video was used in a different and misleading context in Egyptian platforms in 2021, which was refuted by the “Marsad” Arab platform and the “AFP” French platform.

It’s worth noting that the Israeli war in Gaza has resulted in the death of 7,326 Palestinian citizens in Gaza, including 3,038 children, and 18,967 citizens were injured with various injuries, according to a report published by the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza and delivered yesterday to the international institutions concerned.

The result
The video is old and dates back to a live performance organized by students at Al-Azhar University in Egypt in 2013, and it has no relation to the Israeli war in Gaza.

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