
The video depicts a grandmother shocked because of the martyrdom of her granddaughter, despite the survival of her grandson and the husband of her daughter… and it isn’t a staged theatrical act

The claim
An Israeli account commented on a video of a Palestinian mother screaming beside her child, saying “After a short break.. Pallywood deceives.. Notice that the child is fine”

Two Israeli accounts, the first named “Yael” and the second “יוניקורן כחול לב” shared a video on “X” depicted a child lying on the ground between the hands of a woman who was screaming loudly amidst a gathering of people.

The accounts responded to the video by stating, “After a short break… Pallywood deceives… Note that the child is fine”, indicating that the footage is staged and not real, as a part of a campaign casting doubt on Palestinian suffering during the war in Gaza, titled “Pallywood”.

“After a short break… Pallywood deceives… Note that the child is fine”

The Palestinian Observatory “Tahaqaq” verified the authenticity of the video and the claims through research into public sources, and it was found that the video is authentic, but the allegations and the context in which it was presented are misleading.

الطفلة الشهيدة جوري برفقة والدها
الطفلة الشهيدة جوري برفقة والدها

As we contacted the video’s owner, Abdullah Al-Attar, the Journalist clarified to Tahqqaq that the video is original and not staged. It was documented in front of the “Abu Yousef Al-Najjar” hospital east of Rafah city, depicting a woman who was deeply shocked witnessing her family being targeted in the Shabura camp in Rafah, on Friday, December 1, 2023.

This was also confirmed by the journalist Wael Al-Halabi, who told Tahaqaq: “The occupation’s aircraft targeted a house belonging to the Adwan family in the Shabura camp. The woman featured in the video was crying for the loss of her granddaughter, Jouri Ramadan Muhammad Mqdad, who was martyred in the targeting of the Adwan family’s house at 7:00 on Friday, December 1, 2023. Her grandson was injured, leading her to appear in a state of severe shock.

Later, in the process of preparing this article, Tahaqaq managed to contact Ramadan Mqdad, Jouri’s father, -the martyred girl-, who clarified that the person appearing in the video is Jouri’s grandmother. He pointed out that she was in a state of shock due to the martyrdom of her granddaughter, so she appeared screaming and disbelieving when she realized that her other grandson (Mohammed) was safe and not martyred.

As for the details of the incident, Mqdad confirmed that his daughter Jouri was with her brother Mohammed, heading to their relatives’ house in Rafah city. And when they passed through one of the streets near the Shabura refugee camp, a house was shelled, injuring Mohammed in the lower part of his foot, and Jouri was martyred.

Mqdad added that they had evacuated from Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip to Rafah at the beginning of the war. He mentioned that the airstrike was unleashed while humanitarian ceasefire talks were already ongoing, which made his children feel safe to play outside their house.

Therefore, the Palestinian Observatory “Tahaqaq” asserts that the allegations are misleading, and the video was manipulated in a misleading context, as part of the “Pallywood” campaign orchestrated by Western accounts supporting Israel since October 7th.

The result
The video is original, but the context is misleading. The grandmother was deeply shocked witnessing the martyrdom of her granddaughter, a consequence of the Israeli occupation’s shelling of a house in the Al-Shaboura refugee camp east of Rafah, while her grandson was injured in the same shelling incident.
 Verification sources  Prosecution sources

The video’s owner – Abdullah Al-Attar

The journalist Wael Al-Halabi

  1.  Yael

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